Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Headboard in the Making

Last summer we found an old, solid wood door at the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Cary, NC. We decided that it would make a beautiful headboard so we bought it and strapped it to the roof of the SUV. It was the first item we purchased for our new house that we hadn't yet bought. We stored it at Kelly's cousins house for what was supposed to be a month while we traveled back to California to get the box truck and all of our belongings. That was June. We finally took the door out of their garage in January, and just today starting turning it into a headboard. We look forward to sharing the finished product with you, but for now this is what we have. I can only work on one side today because it's too heavy for me to turn on my own and Drew is at school studying so it will be a couple more days before it is done, aired out, and installed in the bedroom.

The original door:

After sanding:

After applying 1 coat of tung oil (but before it's dried):

1 comment:

  1. OOOH! I see why you picked it. It will be a beautiful headboard! Has the new replacement mattress arrived?
