Friday, June 7, 2013

A Reason to Listen to a Friesen

Driving on 25 between Wolfe Point and Circle, Montana we turned the radio on at 6:30 pm. It was the first time all day we turned it on. There were only two stations available. We settled on 106.7. Drew quickly recognized the voice on the radio: it was Virginia and Paul Friesen. They are friends of his from the Catalina Island Christian camp he worked at about ten years ago. Sure enough it really was them on Focus on the Family. Unfortunately we lost service 15 minutes later and we're not sure if we missed more of the interview or if we heard most of it. As the static increased, Kelly looked out the passenger side window and saw a small silo with the word "Friesen" on it, and nothing else. It's a fairly desolate part of the country and truly miraculous that all of these things came together at once. The Friesens are well known for their work with Christian family and marriage counseling. They have written and published a handful of books and recently came out with a new one on marriage. 

The cumulation of coincidences driving through Montana was amazing. Needless to say we will be ordering the book!

Check out their website for Home Improvement Ministries, where you can also read about their new book:

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Goodness Gracious the Great Glacier National Park!

We made it to Montana!! Kelly's first trip to the Treasure State and we weren't disappointed.  We managed to sneak in a hike and a bit of camping in the middle of a seemingly never ending rain storm. We hiked to great water falls, wrangled a calf, found our dream vehicle, poked and prodded bear skat to determine it's freshness, made our way through a number of Indian reservations, weaved our own rope for bear bagging (fashioned out of duct tape), made our way across the rope bridge sure to be featured on the set of the next Indiana Jones movie.  And we took turns playing professional photographer with the fancy Cannon 5D Mark II we bought for our last wedding anniversary.

This post's shout out goes to Miss Katie Cava. Without her, Kelly might have drowned and froze in all the rain. Thanks for the gear rental!